What’s that chatter?

August in this part of North Carolina is known for being exceedingly hot and excessively humid. But until this week, I didn’t know this sultry month was such a hotbed of avian activity.

I put hummingbird feeders out in March after social media posts declared they were on the way. Shortly after, a male showed up and claimed his territory. We’ve seen a few, here and there, all summer, and I’ve tried to keep the feeders clean and stocked with sugar water.

young male
There’s at least one young male in the bunch.

But this week — holy cow. The in-flight fights that have commenced! Around the flowering pear tree, in front of the porch, ON the porch — in a few instances, a few feet from my face. Migration is coming, and these hungry birds know it.

I now hear them chattering around the front yard before I see them, but see them I do. I wish I were a good enough photographer to capture some of that posturing and scolding, but usually I do well to snap a passable photo of just one of these fast fliers.

zooming in
These guys have been like little stealth bombers this week. Zip in, zip out.

I’ve seen at least one adult male, but have not been able to get a good photo. He prefers the feeder that’s closest to the porch roof.

feeder wars
Mine! Mine! Mine!

These tiny ruby-throated hummingbirds won’t be here for much longer. They start migrating south in September. Until then, I plan to enjoy them, chatter and all.

hummer hiding
Zoom, zoom! This hummer takes a peek at me through the butterfly bush.



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